University is a high level of education where people can study specifics knowledges about any branch of wisdom. Students who have had a right marks along their previous studies stages, normally, decide to enter university in order to work on what they like in the future. Studying at the university is one of the best stages of the life, since you socialize, develop your mental abilities and above all, you grow like a person.
I. Social development
A) Make new friends at the university
B) Go university parties
1. Have fun
2. Know different people
II. Mental development
A) Ability to learn new things depending on your type of studies.
1. Languages
2. Culture
3. Maths, etc
B) Develop critical thinking
IV. Personal development
A) Learning to be an independent adult
1. Buying and cooking your own food
2. Doing your own housework and washing
B) Learning to manage the money
Overall, the time that students spend at the university is important to develop themselves socially, mentally and personally in many aspects. Therefore, university is an unique experience that only happens once in life.